Sudasna Na Ayudhya, P. (1999). Lexical access in Thai speakers with different language experience: An experimental study using the Stroop task. Paper presented at the 26th Annual Experimental Psychology Conference, Sydney, and the abstract appeared in Australian Journal of Psychology, 51, 43-44.
Sudasna Na Ayudhya, P., Luksaneeyanawin, S., & Burnham, D. (2000). The bilingual lexicon: The complex nature of lexical and semantic systems. Proceeding of the fourth symposium on natural language processing (pp. 182-184). Bangkok: Chulalongkorn University.
Sudasna Na Ayudhya, P., Luksaneeyanawin, S., & Burnham, D. (2002). The influence of second language experience in the pattern of language processing of the bilingual lexicon. MANUSYA, 5 (1), 79-95.
Sudasna Na Ayudhya, P. (2003). Models of mental lexicon in bilinguals with high and low second language experience. MANUTSAT PARITAT: Journal of Humanities, Srinakharinwirot University, 25, 37-55.
Sudasna Na Ayudhya, P. (2005) Speech technologies in developing second language pronunciation skill. Conference proceedings of EDU-COM 2004 international conference: New challenges for sustainability & growth in higher education (pp. 362- 370). Edith Cowan University.
Sudasna Na Ayudhya, P. (2007). The relationship between second language experience and English phonological acquisition. [Research Paper Report]. Bangkok: Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat University.
Sudasna Na Ayudhya, P. (2009). Language awareness in EIL: The analysis of errors in academic text writing of Thai learners. Conference proceedings of Asia EFL journal conference 2009. , Donkuz Eylül University, Turkey.
Sudasna Na Ayudhya, P. (2010a). The perception of Thai speakers of English using auditory lexical decision task. Wisdomization: Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 205-220.
Sudasna Na Ayudhya, P. & Engchuan, K. (2010b). Second language vocabulary acquisition and context clue strategy in different degrees of cultural specific. Pre-conference proceedings of Asian EFL journal international conference (pp. 596-604).Taiwan: Providence University.
Sudasna Na Ayudhya, P. (2010c). Foreign language speech production and perception and the influence of foreign language awareness. Information Journal, 11 (1), 141-147.
Sudasna Na Ayudhya, P. (2011a). English consonant perception and production acquisition as function of phonemic awareness. Interdisplinary Studies Journal, 10 (1), 218-248.
Sudasna Na Ayudhya, P. (2011b). Local community participation in public administration plan: An empirical evidence of Ratchaburi, Thailand. In Chun-Hua Lin and Zhang Ming (eds.), International conference on social science and humanity (pp. 495-499). Singapore: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
Sudasna Na Ayudhya, P. (2012a). Collaboration between university and local community in transforming local knowledge to global education. The International Conference on Global Education & the 26th Curriculum and Instruction Forum. Tamkang University. 25-26 May 2012. Republic of China.
Sudasna Na Ayudhya, P. (2012b). Thai EFL learners' cultural gap awareness in English culture-specific and universal vocabulary recognition. The 9th International Conference on Bilingualism. 26-28 January 2012. Chiangrai Rajabhat University, Chiangrai, Thailand.
Sudasna Na Ayudhya, P. (2012c). The development of English for Thai local cultural tourism with the use of instructional package. The 1st International Seminar on Malaysian- Thai Studies. Universiti Utara. 7-8 May 2012. Malaysia.
Sudasna Na Ayudhya, P. (2013a). The development of Thai-Vietnamese WordNet:Pilot project using the first order entity and bi-directional translation approach. The 3rd international conference on applied social science (pp.221-233). 15-16 January 2013. Taipei, Republic of China.
Sudasna Na Ayudhya, P. (2013b). The development of communicative English learning process for local cultural communication. The Fifth Annual Asian Conference on Education. 23-27 October 2013. Osaka, Japan. The International Academic Forum (Iafor) (online)
Sudasna Na Ayudhya, P. (2014a). The development of English online learning using local cultural education resources in Bangkok, Thailand. The 9th annual LLAS elarning symposium. University of Southampton. UK. (online)
Sudasna Na Ayudhya, P. (2014b). Effective of simulation in online learning package on tourism English communicative proficient development. The 6th annual international ThaiSim conference “learning with simulations and games: Learning methods for the AEC” (pp. 120-128). 31 March - 1 April 2014, Thailand.
Sudasna Na Ayudhya, P. (2014c). The use of articulatory analysis of sound as a simulation for improving English pronunciation. The 5th Biennial International Conference on Teaching and Learning of English in Asia. 27 – 29 October 2014. University Utara Malaysia.
Sudasna Na Ayudhya, P. (2015a). Development of ASEAN WordNet: Equivalent translation of English-Thai-Lao-Vietnamese words in the 1st order entity. The 3rd International academic & research conference of Rajabhat University (INARCRU III) "Interdisciplinary research and innovation of education for Thai local development for ASEAN" (pp.255- 264) 20- 21May 2015. Nakhon Si Thammarat Rajabhat University.
Sudasna Na Ayudhya, P. (2015b). Interdisciplinary research and development of the English- Thai-Lao-Vietnamese Wordnet. Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn congress interdisciplinary approach for research and development ,3-4 June 2015, IMPACT, Muang Thong Thani, Nonthaburi, Thailand. Organized by the Interdisciplinary Committee for Research and Development, The Royal Society of Thailand.
Sudasna Na Ayudhya, P. (2015c). Development of cultural awareness in English as foreign language learners using simulations. 7th Annual International ThaiSim Conference: “Learning from educational games, simulations and debriefing for the AEC” 10- 11 August 2015. Sriwattana Business Administration Technological College, Thailand.
Sudasna Na Ayudhya, P. (2015d). WordNet development of English-Thai-Lao- Vietnamese 1st order entity words. International Conference on Language, Innovation, Culture and Education 2015. 29 - 30 August 2015. The Interdisciplinary Circle of Science, Arts and Innovation, Indonesia.
Sudasna Na Ayudhya, P. (2016). The development of application for Thai-ASEAN neighboring language- English common base concepts Wordnet of 1st order entity. The IAFOR International Conference on Education. 8-11 January 2016. The Hawai’I Convention Center. U.S.A.
Sudasna Na Ayudhya, P. (2017a). Cross linguistic semantic priming of translation equivalents in semantic decision of Thai-Lao-English object and imaginary word. The 29th international academic conference procerding (pp.117-127). 5-8 April 2017.
Sudasna Na Ayudhya, P. (2017b). Analysis of Thai-Lao-Vietnamese 1st order entity word using bi-directional translation. Review of Socio-Econimic Perspective, 199- 205.
Sudasna Na Ayudhya, P. (2018a). Mobile application development for cultural tourism attractions in Thailand’s lower central provinces. Sripatum Chonburi Journal, 14 (3) (Online).
Sudasna Na Ayudhya, P. (2018b). The relationship between English consonant sound perception reaction and English phono¬logical awareness in Thai- English bilinguals. International Conference on Education, Psychology, and Learning 2018, December 17-19, 2018, December, Australia ISSN 2413-1156
Sudasna Na Ayudhya, P. (2019a). Common base concepts of the 1st-the 3rd order entity WordNet of English-Thai-Vietnamese-Lao-Cambodian-Bahasa- Filipino-Burmese languages for internet usage, International Journal of Management and Business Research, 9(1), 41-49.
Sudasna Na Ayudhya, P. (2019b). The dynamic development of multilingual mental lexicon and lexical access as the functions of linguistic distance and semantic characteristics represented from Order Entities. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Thonburi University, 13(2), 9-18.
Sudasna Na Ayudhya, P. (2019c). Modelling the multilingual lexicon and interlanguage transfer. Abstract Proceeding Vol.1 Issue 1. AETA International Conference on Emerging Research in Information Technology, Applied Sciences, Engineering & Computing (EIAE), Paris, France June 8-9, 2019.
Sudasna Na Ayudhya, P. (2020a). Relationships between foreign language sound perception and production and experimental evidences obtained in Thai native speakers. International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, 24(3), 1668-1674. DOI: 10.37200/IJPR/V24I3/PR200915
Sudasna Na Ayudhya, P. (2020b). Stroop and Priming Tasks: Two Experimental Ways to Investigate Language Representation and Processing. The 6th Rajabhat University National and International Research & Academic Conference (RUNIRAC VI) Proceeding, 17-18 August 2020 Chandrakasem Rajabhat University, Bangkok, Thailand, 12-17.
Sudasna Na Ayudhya, P. (2020c). The Non-Linear Activation of Multilingual Lexicon in Multilingual Speakers. The 6th Rajabhat University National and International Research & Academic Conference (RUNIRAC VI) Proceeding, 17-18 August 2020 Chandrakasem Rajabhat University, Bangkok, Thailand, 18-25.
Sudasna Na Ayudhya, P. (2020d). Modeling Bilingual and Multilingual Lexicon and the Role of Interlanguage Transfer. International Journal of Applied and Physical Sciences, 5(2), 51-57. DOI:
Singh Singkhajorn, Panornuang Sudasna Na Ayudhya, Nonnadhi Dulyadaweesid (2020) Integration of Creating Shared Value with Thailand Sustainable Development. Sustainable Community Development Journal, 1, 23-26
Sudasna Na Ayudhya, P. (2021). Establishment and Movement of Psycholinguistics. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Thonburi University, 15(1), 139-148.
Sudasna Na Ayudhya, P. (2005). Linguistic and cultural gaps in translation-The case of Thai, English, and Chinese languages. In A. Hassan & Lok Kok On (Eds). Translation and the globalization of knowledge. (pp. 391-398). Kuala Lumpur: PTS Professional Sudasna Na Ayudhya, P. (2007). The ways of the mental lexicon. In W. Aroonmanakun (Ed.). Unfolding linguistics (pp. 171-180). Bangkok: Chulalongkorn University Press.
Sudasna Na Ayudhya, P. (2007). The ways of the mental lexicon. In W. Aroonmanakun (Ed.). Unfolding linguistics (pp. 171-180). Bangkok: Chulalongkorn University Press.